Kodo People Talks on Sales Recruitment – Félix Fernández
This week, our cofounder Fran Reyes did his first interview in Spanish with one of the most prolific Sales Recruiters Félix Fernández, who shared his experiences in the sector and gave his advice about how to make your work more efficient.
Félix is a Sales Recruiter at BusinessPeople, and he let us know that being a recruiter is harder than some might think, since you must satisfy two clients at the same time. He told us how to stay up-to-date on the latest technology, like artificial intelligence, and how to use these technologies to speed up his work and allow him more time with the part of his job he most enjoys, working directly with candidates.
Félix also shared his thoughts with Fran about the current changes to recruiting, the importance of remote work today, and the increase in the importance of a company’s own culture, as well as its leaders, in order to attract candidates. Above all, Félix believes in including empathy in the majority of things that he does, like for instance increasing his network on Linkedin or having the best relationships in the recruitment process.
The advice he gives to candidates is that curiosity is an important trait, since people with this quality tend to have a more positive attitude that allows them to confront their fears and learn from new life experiences. Another important quality for the sales team is adaptability, since in his work it’s pretty normal to receive the answer “no” and to have to change your focus or way of doing things is crucial for each client.
It has been a pleasure to interview Félix Fernández. Below you can see the full interview on our channel: