Kodo People Talks on Talent Scarcity – with Ben Eubanks
We are pleased to share with all of you the first episode of #KodoPeopleTalks, a place where professionals in the people industry can come together to discuss, share, reflect, and shed light on the hottest and trendiest topics.
In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Ben Eubanks about his latest book, Talent Scarcity: How to Hire and Retain a Shrinking Workforce. The global shortage of talent has become a reality at an unprecedented scale as the population ages and fewer workers become available.
Moreover, we can observe that the pandemic has permanently altered the talent landscape. People are now more inclined to choose where to work, for whom, and whether to work remotely or not.
For better or for worse, this does not seem to be a short-term trend or fad and is not dependent on a favorable economic cycle.
Wacht the full talk here: